We are so excited to be able to offer this new online pharmacy service! You can now have medications, preventatives, and pet food ordered, paid for, and delivered directly to your home.

The way we stay in business and are able to continue to pay our staff for their hard work is through support from pet owners like you. Every order you make helps us continue to help pets like yours. We appreciate you shopping with us!


Please read the following information before ORDERING:

  • All online orders are a request only and will require doctor approval. You will be notified when the doctor has reviewed your order.

  • Your payment will only be processed if and when the doctor approves your request.

  • If an order is denied, you will be informed the reason and your payment will not be taken.

  • Our doctor must have performed a complete exam on your pet within the last 12 months to prescribe medication.

  • It is possible that we will require an examination or blood work before filling a medication, especially a new prescription.

  • For all new medications, a recommendation from the doctor is required. This may involve a follow up call before approval.

  • Typical doctor approval time is 1-2 business days, and typical shipping time is 4-6 business days. Please be aware of this when ordering. We appreciate your patience as we do our best to help you as fast as we can.

  • If you are having difficulty making an online order, our staff would be happy to make your online order for you - just give us a call!